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Andrew F.X. Goldberg

Andrew F.X. Goldberg Headshot 

Reddy Professor of Biomedical Sciences
359 Dodge Hall of Engineering
(248) 370-2393
[email protected]

B.S. from Binghamton University
1985, Binghamton, New York, United States

Ph.D. from Brandeis University
1992, Waltham, Massachusetts, United States

Postdoctoral from University of British Columbia
1997, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Photoreceptor structure

Postdoctoral from University of Washington
1998, Seattle, Washington, United States
Photoreceptor function

Retinal degenerative diseases currently cause vision loss and blindness in more than 2 million persons in the US alone, and this number will grow significantly in the coming decade. Although many instances of disease are caused by defects in the light-sensitive rod and cone photoreceptors, the fundamental biology of these critical neurons in not well understood, and halting or reversing the pathological progression of vision loss remains an unrealized dream. The laboratory's efforts are focused on understanding and combating inherited forms of retinal disease caused by defects in rods and cone cell structure. Ongoing studies are detailing the normal architecture of these specialized neurons, and the distinctive ways that particular instances of genetic disease compromise photoreceptor structure. These studies are accomplished using a wide variety of biochemical, biophysical, and molecular genetic techniques in vitro, in cellulo, and in vivo. Additional information is available on the Goldberg Laboratory Web page.

National Science Foundation
The Grass Foundation
National Eye Institute
E. Matilda Zeigler Foundation
Research Excellence Fund (Oakland University)
Mid-West Eyebanks
Foundation Fighting Blindness

Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO)
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB)
Society for Neuroscience (SfN)
Biophysical Society

AFXGLAB Publications

Dr. Goldberg's lab

Eye Research Institute

Dodge Hall
118 Library Drive
Rochester, Michigan 48309-4479
(location map)